Dear participants of the Conference
You can find on following link Book of Abstracts of IOBC 2017 in Ljubljana.
(last change: December 10 2019)
Dear participants of the IOBC 2017 in Ljubljana. In the Photo gallery you can find some photos of our gathering. (last change: July 8 2017)
Registration desk opens today at 16.00 and closes at 19.30 (last change: July 2 2017)
Dear participants of the Conference. We are kindly inviting you tomorrow (on Sunday) for a Welcome drink at 18.00 in M hotel. (last change: July 1 2017)
The final version of the programme is now available! (last change: June 30 2017)
Some Slovenian interesting sights and people (on the sunny side of the Alps) (added: June 30 2017)
How to get from Ljubljana Airport to M hotel (using bus, shuttle, car or taxi) (added: June 29 2017)
How to reach Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana (look for Biotechnical Faculty Ljubljana in Google Maps) (added: June 28 2017)
How to get to M hotel (added: June 23 2017)
Dear participants, we are kindly informing you that the deadline for full cost registration is now till June 23, 2017!
Rates for full cost registration are in Third Circular.
The programme is now available! (last change: June 14, 2017)
IOBC 2017 in Ljubljana
Dear Colleague,
we kindly invite you to participate in the 11th Conference of the IOBC/wprs Working Group on the Integrated Protection of Stored Products that will be held in:
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
3-5 July 2017
organised by Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Integrated Protection of Stored Products (IPSP) consolidates different methods of preventing damage caused by insects, mites, rodents, birds or fungi. The goal is to achieve necessary efficacy using eco-friendly methods and tools while resorting to chemical methods only upon ineffectiveness of used methods. Aside from current knowledge and advances in recent IPSP research results, presentations regarding promotion and implementation of IPSP in everyday practice will also be included at the Conference.
Current trends in the protection of stored products and the provision of quality food and other products for the market calls for limited use of chemicals.
Invitation and third circular (.pdf) (add: 31.1. 2017)
Invitation and second circular (.pdf) (add: 7.7. 2016)
Invitation and first circular (.pdf) (add: 28.4. 2016)
Registration form and abstract submission (.docx)
Hotel reservation form (.docx)